Power to the provinces! Reasons to revel in the regions

Sep 10, 2024 1:37:30 PM

Running a small business in regional New Zealand comes with unique challenges and opportunities. Although, urban centres can dominate the conversation, there's much to be said about business beyond the big smoke. Lifestyle, community and connection are just a few of the rewards on offer.

Tech takes away distance

The latest technology has a high adoption rate even in the most rural areas. New Zealand's Agritech sector alone generates $1.6bn a year. Tech is 'weightless'. It's essentially free of transport costs, making the tyranny of distance is less relevant. This is especially true when broadband is available to 87% of New Zealand's population. Even without high-speed internet, technologies such as 3D printing, drone monitoring, and more are ready to help.

Ruth Power founded Piano Picnic in Raglan. She's made learning piano accessible and engaging for everyone, regardless of location. After a globe-spanning career in media and music, she found herself in a much smaller market in New Zealand. She overcame this by launching online. Her innovative approach has driven a remarkable 75% increase in revenue. She's proven she didn't have to sacrifice business for the beach or the beach for business.

Community connection

Having the support, resources and encouragement of those around you can make a world of difference when you’re running a business. Even in the biggest city, entrepreneurship can be a lonely and demanding role. But in the regions, it can instead put you at the heart of a tight community. Customers are often neighbours as well. You can build deeper relationships that also span social, sports or school settings.

Steve and Janet Fox opened a garden centre in Waimate that has flourished with the support of locals.

"Our customers are on the journey with us. They often comment on something new we've done or make little suggestions. We always listen," explains Steve. "We even get local businesses coming down here to have meetings in the relaxed setting."

Lifestyle to love

Along with the people, the lifestyle beyond the cities is a drawcard. Without traffic jams and parking queues, people can spend more time doing the things they enjoy. Faye Saunders left the city to run galleries in Whangamata and Tairua. She's found the change of pace even more welcome than she expected.

"Over the last few years, I've had a taste of life at the beach. I've never thought of retiring before. I've always imagined that meant not doing anything at all. But, a lot of my friends have retired over here and play golf as well as lots of other sports."

Support that’s on point

Support for small businesses is accessible throughout the country. For example, Business.govt has 14 Regional Business Partner agencies. These hubs offer tools, advice on government help, and connections.

Kānoa – Regional Economic Development & Investment Unit is one example of a government initiative. It aims to improve the well-being of New Zealanders living in our regions and invests in projects that benefit them.

One of the best supports regional businesses can access is a Business Mentor. Many of our mentors enjoy sharing their international experience with the pace and care that's only possible beyond the rat race. Online mentoring is a further game-changer. It means you can work with your best-matched mentor wherever you are in the country.

Business Mentor Angela Finucane has worked around the world in the tech industry. She also launched her own leading software business. She says settling in the idyllic Hawke's Bay hasn't prevented her from staying connected or contributing.

Angela began with the online Effective Mentoring Workshop. She loved the experience. "Once I became aware of the Business Mentors programme, it was a no-brainer to get involved. I've met some incredible people among the other Mentors. It's exciting to connect with such capability and see the calibre of talent."

Ready to rev up in the regions

Small businesses in provincial New Zealand have unique strengths that set them up for success. There's rich opportunity to embrace technology, community connections, and local support. Business Mentors NZ is here to support you on this journey. Get in touch with us to find out more.