Case Studies

Diving into success with a Business Mentor

Aug 5, 2024 9:00:00 AM

In the heart of Hawke’s Bay, Jillyfish Swim School stands as a beacon of dedication and passion for swimming. The story behind this vibrant swim school is one of resilience, love, and an unwavering commitment to a dream shared by Reece Kennedy and his late partner, Jill.

Embracing a Vision

The idea for Jillyfish Swim School was born out of a shared passion. Reece and Jill both cherished the idea of teaching swimming to people of all ages. Jill’s dream focused on young children under six, while Reece found his calling with older children and competitive swimmers. They began modestly, setting up a small pool to test their vision. The initial success emboldened them, and they embarked on creating a purpose-built swim centre. Tragically, Jill passed away before seeing the completion of their dream pools. However, Reece continued their shared vision, ensuring that Jill’s legacy lived on through Jillyfish Swim School.

Staying Afloat with Guidance Amidst challenges

The path to maintaining and growing Jillyfish Swim School has not been without its hurdles. The COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a cyclone and the resulting economic pressures, impacted the business. Reece found himself struggling to regain his footing amidst these challenges. Seeking a fresh perspective and motivation, he turned to Business Mentors NZ where he was matched with John Hutchinson.

"John was very easy to sit down with and go through our business setup. I never felt uncomfortable or like I was being told what to do. The advice given and ideas discussed were a two-way process," Reece reflects.

Anchoring a Supportive Relationship

John‘s approach to mentoring is grounded in practicality and mutual respect. With over a decade of mentoring experience, John understood the importance of listening and guiding without dictating. He worked closely with Reece, offering a sounding board for ideas and challenges alike. "The role of a mentor is to support the mentee, but the mentee has to do the mahi," John emphasises.

John identified the key challenges facing Jillyfish Swim School: operational hurdles, cash flow issues, and staffing concerns. Together, they dissected each problem, exploring various options and evaluating the pros and cons. This process helped Reece develop a clearer vision and a more structured plan to address these issues. "Just having someone to chat with and go over things during these trying times was invaluable," says Reece.

Treading Through Turbulence

One of the immediate benefits Reece experienced was a sense of clarity. John’s guidance helped reduce the overwhelming pressure, providing Reece with a renewed focus. They set achievable goals and milestones, allowing Reece to measure progress and stay motivated. While the journey still came with challenges, having a mentor like John made a difference.

"At present, we are still trying to move forward," Reece admits. "Swimming is very much part of that discretionary spend, so we still have a bit to go."

Looking Ahead

Reece’s primary goal is to return Jillyfish Swim School to its pre-lockdown success. He is determined to rebuild and expand, ensuring that the school not only survives but thrives. The charitable trust is a key part of this vision, providing a sustainable way to support the community and promote swimming education. "I am currently starting a swimming charitable trust to look at funding to offset the cost of swimming lessons," Reece shares.

Looking ahead, Reece remains optimistic. He is focused on listening to his customers, managing finances prudently, and continuously setting and achieving new goals. John’s mentorship has instilled in him a disciplined approach to business, emphasising the importance of staying on track and maintaining customer focus. "The most simple thing is that it keeps you focused and on track," Reece notes.

Reflections on Mentorship

Reflecting on his experience with Business Mentors New Zealand, Reece is unequivocal in his endorsement. He believes that having an external voice and fresh perspective is invaluable, particularly during challenging times. The lessons he has learned have been profound, from the importance of client focus to the necessity of clear goal-setting and accountability. "Very much a great option to have that outside voice and ideas to bounce off and stay on track," he advises.

For anyone considering a business mentor, John’s advice is clear: don’t wait. Seeking help early can make a significant difference, providing the support and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of running a business. "If you think external support would help, arrange it now, don't leave it until it is too late," John advises potential mentees.


Reece Kennedy’s journey with Jillyfish Swim School is a testament to resilience, passion, and the transformative power of mentorship. Through the support and guidance of John Hutchinson, Reece has not only kept his business alive but also laid the groundwork for future growth. His story is an inspiration to all entrepreneurs facing adversity, demonstrating that with the right support and determination, even the most challenging obstacles can be overcome.

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of getting a Business Mentor for your small business, you can get started today.

Topics: Case Studies